Great River Road - Last wet day

I headed south for warmer weather, but it’s cold here in Memphis - so it’s time to head east. After 3 days of rain along the Great River road, I need to dry out. Kentucky was a beautiful ride, but with the rain just rode instead of mounting the camera and taking shots along the way. It wasn’t just rain either, but a damn thunderstorm – no funnels, but I’ll tell ya, with the heavier rain and winds the bike gets a little squirrelly on the roads.
Since I woke up close to St Louis I figured I better head back to get pictures of the arch – boy am I glad I did that…not. It wasn’t the greatest day to visit and after talking to a few people they suggested not to waste my money on going up in the thing because they could only see the downtown and river, so here you go, I took pictures of both from under the arch – be happy with them, I am. Also had a few problems getting out of town because of the baseball game and the messy traffic, but another trip to spend more time and see Bud (Anheuser-Busch) will have to wait.
Nothing but a wet ride so not as much excitement as yesterday - well I guess keeping two wheels between you and wet pavement is exciting in itself. Once I hit Cape Girardeau it was time for a nice lunch along the river. The staff was friendly and helpful as all have been so they had plenty of suggestions on what route I should be taking. One of the waitresses was from Michigan so told me to take a route that reminded her of home, but I went the other – see too much of that in Minnesota.
Memphis has been very good to me though cuz once I got downtown I found the same hotel I stayed in a few years ago. Not only did they still have my info, but the lady remembered me and had so much fun, that she gave me the same rate I had then…what a deal, coupon special without the coupon.
Last night, not only did I have bbq, but when in Memphis ya have to hit Beale Street. Perfect, they had the street blocked off for bikers so I fit right in…not only was I called a ‘bad ass’, but I found a place to stay when I get to Myrtle beach for bike week. Things are definitely coming together and today it’s on my way to Chattanooga to visit a cousin.
Stay tune, still riding and a lot more country to see.
Wet pictures.
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