Friday, July 07, 2023

July 5 2023 Day Twenty Nine

 July 5 – Colby WI – Day 29


I consider this day 29 since I’m back on the road and don’t need to write much about my short time home before hitting the road. Shelley and I had a great time celebrating Eagan Fun Fest and making arrangements for the Harley Davidson 120th Anniversary the weekend of July 14 on my trip home from New Hampshire. We decided we might as well commit to the weekend, so Shelley got airline tickets and I got the tickets for the H-D festival at Memorial Park in Milwaukee, the same park that hosts Summerfest every year. The tickets aren’t cheap for a visit to the park, but for Saturday there will be some good bands playing, the 2 I’m interested in are the Foo Fighters and Pat Benatar.


So, you might be asking why I’m in Colby WI, my childhood hometown, but I have to catch a ferry in Milwaukee, and this will put me about 2 hours closer. It’ll still be an early morning to get up and get ready to make sure I make it in time, but it should be a quick turnaround in the morning since the only thing I’ll have to do is take a shower. The bike is packed and fits in the garage next to my dad’s KIA even if the battery is dead that kept me from moving it. That’s just what I needed, room for a packed bike so I don’t have to pack and unpack even though it is routine once again. 


A short ride so I left about 4:30 Eagan time, same time different place and made a quick trip. It turned out to be a good thing that I saved my trip until later today because the latest renter of my old bike returned it while I was home, and I was thinking I hadn’t seen the bike since I left so had to make sure it at least got cleaned and it is in better shape than I remember. It does seem to have a minor leak in the primary which was just fixed last year so I am going to have to check on some kind of warranty on that kind of work; old bike with a lot of miles so I guess I can’t explain. 


Once in Colby and make sure the bike fit in the garage, I figured I should get something to eat to headed to Curtiss and the truck stop and sure enough, all the ribs you can eat. I remember my dad talking about their specials and I hit one of them he always talked about. All you can eat, but I could only handle half a rack so not much more than that. They were pretty good ribs so I’m glad I had them. Back home to my childhood home, parked the bike and decided to walk downtown to see what was going on. Stopped at the VFW and tonight was horseshoe night, but nobody that I knew that it was time to head to Hunter’s to see what going on there and I couldn’t believe it, the other side of the bar was full of high school kids eating after they just got done with a football game. Well, I said I’m not going to sit across from them and stare at them that I joined them. Not something you’d see at many states with underage drinkers sitting at the bar, but that’s what you have to love about Wisconsin. I had fun visiting with them and talking Colby Hornet football from my days to theirs.


There was an older gentleman that came to the bar, and he did sit across from the rest of us. After the kids left, I did talk to the guy, sorry I don’t remember his name, but he knew my dad well since they were in Lion’s together and since my dad’s health isn’t that good, he did send his prayers. He was interesting talking to, and I found out about a dateline special in was in, something about Dill creek in Unity which was the scene of a murder of a pharmacist. We used to live on a farm in Unity that I am thinking it might be the same creek we had about ½ mile from home that we usually play on. How interesting to find out a murder in a small town that close to Colby.


Ok, I am writing this 3 days later while at a bar that I am sitting next to and talking to the owner that I’ll have more later, and you’ll want to see the story for July 7th


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