Sunday, August 27, 2006

Homer Alaska fishing, Aug 26th

The Salty Dog and it’s one of the few places in Homer Alaska that has a high speed wireless connection and on my way down, was wondering whether I’d run into anyone I knew or not…remember last night and meeting Alek again? Well, sure enough was sitting here working on my pictures watching a little football when a couple that I met Tuesday at the Denali Hostel showed up, Come and Laetitia who are originally from France living in Chicago where work has taken Come. I remember when I first met them in Denali, didn’t talk to them too much, but Paul and I, remember Paul the biker from Utah, commented on how they finished off a large pizza while we had a couple of pieces left of ours…ok, now you remember, him vegetarian and me a meat eater. Well, have spent the last couple of hours talking to Come and Laetitia and they may have me talked into the Europe trip on a bike after all. They were telling me all the different places I should visit and what the hostels along way are, not all as nice as these, especially in India, but an experience all the same. They’re in the same hostel tonight as me, the Homer hostel which I’m spending an extra night at since today was about the fishing.

You know it wouldn’t be Alaska if I hadn’t woke up to rain or rode in the rain which was just the case this morning, but had to finally set an alarm for something, a 7:00 fishing charter that I have to be on the boat by 6:30. Hey, a half day halibut excursion that I don’t care, I can sleep any other time that since in the Capital of Halibut fishing, you have to experience it. Put on the rain gear and it was probably a good thing that it started out raining because that way I had it with me for the boat trip and we did nothing but get wet out fishing. Ok, we have a limit of two fish and I got my lucky numbers, 1, ok, maybe not my lucky numbers but good numbers nonetheless that I feel some bites coming on. Well, you can see the first one I caught was definitely a keeper and it wasn’t too much longer before I caught my second, only to be talked into keeping it since it was a slow day instead of waiting for that record breaking catch.

I had a great time on the boat and the first couple I met were from Michigan where they were able to stay to fish another day although their son and his wife had to fly home They came out fishing yesterday but weren’t able to go out since the winds were too bad, that today and the rain, a good day for fishing. Met four guys, two of them from here and two visiting, Gary, Iosif, Leonid and Irmil who invited me to share some beers with them and what else better to do than drink beer while fishing. Had a great time visiting with them and fishing and two of them are brothers, one a brother-in-law and two of them are commercial fishers in the area…does that help you figure out who’s who? Well, Gary caught the biggest fist on the boat, a 60 pounder, but being a commercial fisher, he better have…ok, you got half the puzzle figured out, but the other, I don’t know whether his fishing was as good as the rest of ours or not.

Captain Art took us to about four different spots 16 nautical miles out, which is about 25 road miles and the last stop was probably the best for fishing, but me, was already done at that point with my two. Adam and Reed were the deck hands and setup everything for us as well as bait our hooks, bleed the fish and you can see on the trip in, filleted them for us. That works for me that all I’ll have to do is figure out how to get my fish home, which not a problem, that can be taken care of on shore. Hey, met Adam who was sitting next to me last night at the Salty Dog while I was showing Alek some of the pictures that I’ve captured along the way, especially the Sturgis pictures, and he’s out fishing on the same boat as me with Hilary and his mom who lives in Anchorage. He’s from Kentucky and when we started talking he reminded me that he was the one talking with Alek and me about Tiger Woods and how he’s doing this weekend in the tournament he’s in…like I’ve had anytime to watch TV, which I haven’t, but it looks like tiger is hot.

Forgot to mention that I did catch three fish today, but the first was a shark, a lot like the one others caught which were just the small ones, but I did get to see and feel what one of those felt like. Only did a half day trip, but it was well worth it and wouldn’t you know it, got rained on the entire time…thank goodness for rain gear – and good gear at that since it keeps me dry on the road which has been my riding experience thru Alaska so far. Ok, got about 15 pounds of fillet to be flash frozen, vacuum packed and shipped home and that’ll cost me another $100, but think of this, the kind of party I’ll be able to throw eating fresh, or at least Halibut that I caught? it’ll be great eating. Ok, although I had my fun fishing and thanks to the guys, my share of beer, had laundry to get done that took a walk to the laundry mat 5 minutes from the hostel. They’d do my laundry for $1.45 per pound, but at 18 lbs of dirty cloths I can do it myself which more or less turned into them doing it for me cuz the guy told me to just leave some quarters for him and he’d throw the wash in the dryer which is just what he did. When I showed up an hour later, my cloths were dry and almost folded, but hey, I saved myself a little cash not having them fold it and for those who know me, I have a certain way of folding things my own way and on this trip, they have to be just so, so they fit my tbag for traveling on the bike.

Had a great dinner at the Café Cup which I missed a picture of, but their fillet mignon was on special and very tasty, the owner a lady from Cape Cod that her and her husband moved to Homer 7 years ago and opened a little restaurant, café which has become a big hit in town. It’s surprising how many people I’ve met from the east living out here, but only met more because remember those from New York I mentioned yesterday, but met one from Vermont and another from somewhere east, but don’t remember where now.
Ok, time to have a few drinks with the locals and things are already getting wild, but probably more non locals than locals like Roger from Medicine Lake who is here on business and Dave from Lodi, Wisconsin that is who has been living up here for a year. Tomorrow, let’s see where the Alaskan rain leads me…Seward is what I’ve heard. Fishing Pictures.


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