Aberdeen, NS July 9th
Yep, you read it right, Aberdeen, Nova Scotia, not South Dakota and the only ones that would know there is an Aberdeen in SD would be either the bikers who have been to Sturgis or those who hunt SD…and just to make it clear for Paul, Keltie and Steve, I’m not talking about Aberdeen Scotland.
Well first lets finish last nights activities with the stories and as the story goes, Nadine the waitress at the Old Triangle doing the talking, was on duty until bar time and Jess was the one getting off. I know what your thinking, but even though I tried talking her into joining me for a few drinks and showing me Halifax, Nadine felt safe talking since she was there until bar time and off to bed after. As the story goes I found out from Chris, another one of those guys from the UK that Nadine is the house model and shacked up pretty well with some other dude. Not like I had a chance, but talk is talk and who knows where it might lead.
Brent, you remember Brent the bartender taking such good care of me suggested I checkout the Lower Deck which is where I ended up before the night was over. This is definitely a different kind of bar with the Nova Scotia music, but it reminded me a lot of a bar I was in up ”north to Alaska…”. Anyway it was a fun place to party for the night and drunk Chris for the Old Triangle showed up with a buddy that we had a pretty good time, even talking with Meagan who was involved with the Canadian Professional Wrestling some how. You know, like the WWF and although I think I could have handled myself, she was waiting for a phone call which eventually came. Nice meeting you Meagan and talking to you for the night.
Back to the hostel, or I should say YMCA and what a fiasco that turned out to be. I wasn’t able to get in and once I did, found out the room I was staying in had a broken heater that I had to be moved to a different room. Not broken in that I needed heat, but you couldn’t shut the sucker off and for as hot as it already was, I needed AC. Eventually I got a fan, but it was in such bad shape that I had to put it in even worse shape for it wot work without making too much noise. That was easy to do, remove the front screen and bend the back one so the blades don’t hit any more…I was finally in business for the night. Halifax is definitely a fun town to party in and reminds me of so many of the other fun Canadian towns I’ve got to visit.
Ok, to todays travels. Once I finally got on the road and figured my 2 hour difference, my first stop was the visitors center to see how long it’ll take me doing the East shore all the way to North Sydney to catch the ferry to New Foundland. Wouldn’t you know it, one of those Canadian chicks that I wasn’t listening to directions at all, but did understand her saying it was over an 8 hour trip going the East Coast route. Well, I don’ t have any returned visits planned that I might as well do it now and see where it takes me. She did also say to make a stop at the visitors center when getting on Cape Breton island that I at least caught that much. On the road and what would you know, I passed a Best Buy that I have to back track to see if they can help me out with a camera battery charger. If you missed the story, apparently I left it somewhere at the Mathew’s house that once all of the batteries I brought along for the trip are fried…no more picture, but wait I do have another camera along and just might be able to use it as backup. For those who missed the previous count of cameras, these are are 4 and 5.
The East coast trail, no not the lighthouse route like yesterday, but the Marine Road was a great ride and today, it was leather for most of the stretch. More beautiful scenery and it went from warm sunshiny ports to cold and foggy that it was better leaving the leather on. It is nothing like what I expected cuz when I did Acadia National Park in Maine and saw the cliffs that the Atlantic ocean pounded against, I expected the same along this route. Well, most of them are ports or you could say bays (whether US or Canada) that there were only a few places that had the Atlantic at their doorstep and were definitely the coolest.
I found a great place to stop for lunch at the Trail Stop with Gale taking care of me and when I ordered the fish and chips, the couple from Manhattan NY on the bicycles told me the deep fried clams were the best they ever had. I talked to Gale about that and she said it’s all in the oil they use so if someone is allergic to shell fish, they can’t have any of the seafood they fry up, but I gotta tell you, the fish and chips were great. I’d definitely recommend you make a stop if your ever thru these parts.
Somewhere I got turned around because when I should’ve taken a right, which is always right, I took a left, but remember how things happen for a reason? Well, today was my lucky day because not only have I knocked off another 3 hour trip along the east coast, but I found a Strawberry patch with fresh Strawberry shortcake and since I haven’t picked berries this year, I need them. Not only was it fresh shortcake but a shortcake bar where you get to make your own There I did find out that I’m on a better route to North Sydney and I was wondering why it started getting hot enough that I had to shed the leather, but when going across the central part of Nova Scotia, I think that’d explain it.
After a few more directions I was finally on the right path and found the visitors center on Cape Breton Island that I have to make a stop at thanks to the visitor helper from Halifax, that I walked in and got Leanne. She looks like just the one to deal with me and was a great help getting me setup for my cruise from North Sydney to New Foundland which doesn’t leave until 5 pm tomorrow that getting me setup with a hostel for the night was the only other thing to do. Well, not really cuz I was really looking forward to your call for me to come back and pick you up once my bike was passenger friendly, oh well, I’ll just have to see who else I can give a ride to.
Ok, that puts me in Aberdeen, no not SD nor Scotland, but Nova Scotia and what do you think I see as soon as I pull in to the hostel? Kat sitting there looking as hot as ever, and what have I said about these Canadian women? Well if anything she was very friendly and had already made a call to the visitors center to see if there was a handsome biker on his way the she was expecting me…yep, you heard it right, handsome biker. Anyway she got me setup as well as the other crew that had just arrived with her brother Matt, that I think this is going to be a great hostel to party at and it is so what am I doing here writing this blog.
Well, lets try to finish tonights version early and if there are any stories before the night is done I’ll share later…maybe. So Anneli is from Sweden and has never been on a motorcycle as well as a scooter that tonight she’s gonna get her first ride. She’s hitchhiking around Nova Scotia doing freelance writing for a Swedish radio station, that tonight I become part of her story. Because of the helmet laws in Canada, we take a chance by strapping a bicylcle helmet to her head, but for as much fun as she had on the ride, I get to be her first…yea, I wish, but first bike ride in this case, that I’m sure I won’t be forgotten. Anyway, her and I made a trip to Monda to the Red Shoe Tavern thanks to Kat’s suggestion that when pulling into town I told her I needed to make a gas stop because I don’t have enough to get us back. Ok, I couldn’ve really played it, but I didn’t even want to run out of gas in the middle of nowhere myself, that we asked a couple of ladies where the nearest gas station was, They told us about the closed one that we had just passed, but said there might be one further up the road. Well thanks to them making a call, and I should’ve definitely gotten a picture, I had a few miles up the road to get gas and 10 minutes to do it that we made some pretty good time.
Ok, gas, back to the Red Shoe Tavern where I thanked the ladies who helped us along the way and invited them out for a drink, Anneli and I have diner, a great ride in the dark back to the hostel and I get to meet and party with everyone else here, that like I said earlier, if any stories, you might hear them tomorrow.
More Aberdeen pics
Well first lets finish last nights activities with the stories and as the story goes, Nadine the waitress at the Old Triangle doing the talking, was on duty until bar time and Jess was the one getting off. I know what your thinking, but even though I tried talking her into joining me for a few drinks and showing me Halifax, Nadine felt safe talking since she was there until bar time and off to bed after. As the story goes I found out from Chris, another one of those guys from the UK that Nadine is the house model and shacked up pretty well with some other dude. Not like I had a chance, but talk is talk and who knows where it might lead.
Brent, you remember Brent the bartender taking such good care of me suggested I checkout the Lower Deck which is where I ended up before the night was over. This is definitely a different kind of bar with the Nova Scotia music, but it reminded me a lot of a bar I was in up ”north to Alaska…”. Anyway it was a fun place to party for the night and drunk Chris for the Old Triangle showed up with a buddy that we had a pretty good time, even talking with Meagan who was involved with the Canadian Professional Wrestling some how. You know, like the WWF and although I think I could have handled myself, she was waiting for a phone call which eventually came. Nice meeting you Meagan and talking to you for the night.
Back to the hostel, or I should say YMCA and what a fiasco that turned out to be. I wasn’t able to get in and once I did, found out the room I was staying in had a broken heater that I had to be moved to a different room. Not broken in that I needed heat, but you couldn’t shut the sucker off and for as hot as it already was, I needed AC. Eventually I got a fan, but it was in such bad shape that I had to put it in even worse shape for it wot work without making too much noise. That was easy to do, remove the front screen and bend the back one so the blades don’t hit any more…I was finally in business for the night. Halifax is definitely a fun town to party in and reminds me of so many of the other fun Canadian towns I’ve got to visit.
Ok, to todays travels. Once I finally got on the road and figured my 2 hour difference, my first stop was the visitors center to see how long it’ll take me doing the East shore all the way to North Sydney to catch the ferry to New Foundland. Wouldn’t you know it, one of those Canadian chicks that I wasn’t listening to directions at all, but did understand her saying it was over an 8 hour trip going the East Coast route. Well, I don’ t have any returned visits planned that I might as well do it now and see where it takes me. She did also say to make a stop at the visitors center when getting on Cape Breton island that I at least caught that much. On the road and what would you know, I passed a Best Buy that I have to back track to see if they can help me out with a camera battery charger. If you missed the story, apparently I left it somewhere at the Mathew’s house that once all of the batteries I brought along for the trip are fried…no more picture, but wait I do have another camera along and just might be able to use it as backup. For those who missed the previous count of cameras, these are are 4 and 5.
The East coast trail, no not the lighthouse route like yesterday, but the Marine Road was a great ride and today, it was leather for most of the stretch. More beautiful scenery and it went from warm sunshiny ports to cold and foggy that it was better leaving the leather on. It is nothing like what I expected cuz when I did Acadia National Park in Maine and saw the cliffs that the Atlantic ocean pounded against, I expected the same along this route. Well, most of them are ports or you could say bays (whether US or Canada) that there were only a few places that had the Atlantic at their doorstep and were definitely the coolest.
I found a great place to stop for lunch at the Trail Stop with Gale taking care of me and when I ordered the fish and chips, the couple from Manhattan NY on the bicycles told me the deep fried clams were the best they ever had. I talked to Gale about that and she said it’s all in the oil they use so if someone is allergic to shell fish, they can’t have any of the seafood they fry up, but I gotta tell you, the fish and chips were great. I’d definitely recommend you make a stop if your ever thru these parts.
Somewhere I got turned around because when I should’ve taken a right, which is always right, I took a left, but remember how things happen for a reason? Well, today was my lucky day because not only have I knocked off another 3 hour trip along the east coast, but I found a Strawberry patch with fresh Strawberry shortcake and since I haven’t picked berries this year, I need them. Not only was it fresh shortcake but a shortcake bar where you get to make your own There I did find out that I’m on a better route to North Sydney and I was wondering why it started getting hot enough that I had to shed the leather, but when going across the central part of Nova Scotia, I think that’d explain it.
After a few more directions I was finally on the right path and found the visitors center on Cape Breton Island that I have to make a stop at thanks to the visitor helper from Halifax, that I walked in and got Leanne. She looks like just the one to deal with me and was a great help getting me setup for my cruise from North Sydney to New Foundland which doesn’t leave until 5 pm tomorrow that getting me setup with a hostel for the night was the only other thing to do. Well, not really cuz I was really looking forward to your call for me to come back and pick you up once my bike was passenger friendly, oh well, I’ll just have to see who else I can give a ride to.
Ok, that puts me in Aberdeen, no not SD nor Scotland, but Nova Scotia and what do you think I see as soon as I pull in to the hostel? Kat sitting there looking as hot as ever, and what have I said about these Canadian women? Well if anything she was very friendly and had already made a call to the visitors center to see if there was a handsome biker on his way the she was expecting me…yep, you heard it right, handsome biker. Anyway she got me setup as well as the other crew that had just arrived with her brother Matt, that I think this is going to be a great hostel to party at and it is so what am I doing here writing this blog.
Well, lets try to finish tonights version early and if there are any stories before the night is done I’ll share later…maybe. So Anneli is from Sweden and has never been on a motorcycle as well as a scooter that tonight she’s gonna get her first ride. She’s hitchhiking around Nova Scotia doing freelance writing for a Swedish radio station, that tonight I become part of her story. Because of the helmet laws in Canada, we take a chance by strapping a bicylcle helmet to her head, but for as much fun as she had on the ride, I get to be her first…yea, I wish, but first bike ride in this case, that I’m sure I won’t be forgotten. Anyway, her and I made a trip to Monda to the Red Shoe Tavern thanks to Kat’s suggestion that when pulling into town I told her I needed to make a gas stop because I don’t have enough to get us back. Ok, I couldn’ve really played it, but I didn’t even want to run out of gas in the middle of nowhere myself, that we asked a couple of ladies where the nearest gas station was, They told us about the closed one that we had just passed, but said there might be one further up the road. Well thanks to them making a call, and I should’ve definitely gotten a picture, I had a few miles up the road to get gas and 10 minutes to do it that we made some pretty good time.
Ok, gas, back to the Red Shoe Tavern where I thanked the ladies who helped us along the way and invited them out for a drink, Anneli and I have diner, a great ride in the dark back to the hostel and I get to meet and party with everyone else here, that like I said earlier, if any stories, you might hear them tomorrow.
More Aberdeen pics
Glad to see you are on the road again! Sorry to be late to the party, I was out in Maine for several weeks - Cutler on the eastern edge. The tide changes - 20 some feet on the Bay of Fundy - are cool to see, great hiking, friendly folks.
I love the area you are in now. Cape Breton, the Cabot Trail is stupendous and at the very eastern tip of Cape Breton there is a fantastic camp ground on the side of a cliff at Meat Cove where you can hear the whales spouting in the distance and you can get fresh crab for dinner. I also found the visitors centers out there to be very helpful. If you have a chance the eastern coast of NB is great as well as the loop around the Gaspe Peninusla - and Old Quebec is worth a visit too.
Ride safe! Ann Haines
Dale: How cool! Thanks so much for stopping at the Trail Stop and the great review!
As for the pics -- lovely. Obviously I wasn't wearing my Sunday best:-)
Stop by if you're ever back this way. Enjoyed meeting you and will follow your travels.
Happy trails!
Gail (ha, and you thought it was spelled like "Dale".
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