Sunday, July 27, 2008

Post Trip, Eastern Canada

Yep, I’m home and already missing the road when I think about some of the places I’ve visited and those I wished I would have spent more time at. Remember how I said the big cities deserve more than just a night and like I may have wrote in my previous trip stories a year and a half ago, with someone special, well I think just me will be plenty…and much more fun. If you’ll also remember me mentioning how it takes at least a week to get back into the swing of things while being on the road, that’d be the unpacking, packing, getting cleaned up and prepared for a days ride, well now that I’m back into the swing of that, it’d be worth keeping it going. That just might mean another trip sooner than later and you know me, have bike, will travel.

So to all of those I promised the stats and since I haven’t heard from anyone that I’ve broken a promise, no need to start now. This trip to complete North America with a tour of the East Canadian provinces Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Labrador, Quebec and PEI took 22 days with a few days of relaxation. It covered 7335 miles with a few missed turns here and there and for those Canadians tracking my stats, that’d be 11804.54 kilometers which is a lot of klicks which also means my bike has 93045.83 kilometers that’d be 57816 miles which is a lot of miles.

Ok, as for accommodations while on the road, one night put up by a stranger, thanks James, three nights with those who make me feel like part of the family, thanks Mathews, 4 nights in motels 1 with porn and 2 with the weather channel and all because of the rain, 9 hostels with a stay at 2 of them for more than 1 night, Aberdeen and Toronto, 1 B&B in Port Aux Basque, 1 conference room, remember the RV park in St Barbe, 1 night camping and 1 night in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, that’d be the trip from Newfoundland to Nova Scotia.

I can’t even begin to count the number of people that I met, but they were all so wonderful and helpful in their own way. Some with good directions, others for a good place to eat, those that knew of a great place to stay, which I have to give a big thank you to Kat in Aberdeen for setting up the number of hostels for me that she did, and of course just those people who were great conversations.

Again, as with my first trip, I have found out a little bit more just how wonderful this world is that we live in, the beauty of what we have to see from state to state, province to province and territory to territory, but more important the people who come into our lives along the way for a reason and remember, ‘Everything happens for a reason’. For those who have sent me an email from my travels, thank you and for those who still owe me one, get on it; you know how to find ‘Where is Webby’ easier than me finding you.

Check back in a couple of weeks because we’ll see what kind of stories I can find at Sturgis ’08 and maybe even some pictures to share.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dale,

Glad you made it to Mom's for dinner and made it home safe. Looking forward to tales from the road at Fall Ride. Especially the upcoming adventures at Sturgis.

7/28/2008 8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dale,
I guess you are still on the SD plains as I write this, or maybe the MN plains. I have been reading your Canada story and enjoying your pictures. Wow, what a trip. Can't wait to read the Sturgis story.

8/07/2008 4:33 PM  

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