Friday, September 01, 2006

Juneau Alaska, Aug 31st

Juneau Alaska and what a miserable 12 mile ride from the ferry to the hostel thru some heavy rain and winds…just want to get there and settled in so can dry off a little. Well, ok, drying off ain’t gonna happen cuz it’s suppose to rain for the next few days, and remember, this is Alaska’s rain forest. Since I lost an hour yesterday had to get up early by my standards, but no incidents in the hotel that I was staying in. Gave me a chance to plug things in for my need of electricity, a warm comfortable bed to sleep in, a warm shower this morning and a chance to repack the cloths…pack the dirty away and pull out some clean, so was worth the stay. First stop, camera shop to see what they can do for me with the dead camera and I wasn’t happy about it at all. The owner checked Canon’s website and for the error code I’m getting Canon doesn’t claim it as a manufacturing warranty that can send it in and they’ll try to fix it, but it’ll cost me…not much of a warranty if you ask me because both camera’s failed with the same error that the other thing I found out is there’s a class action lawsuit against Canon just for this error that I’ll be joining that for sure. The shop wouldn’t take the camera back either because their 7 day return policy is if your unhappy with your purchase, but it has to be returned in working condition, well, wouldn’t be upset if the camera was working now would I? Oh well, now I have three Canon cameras, two busted and one that works…let’s hope it hangs on longer than the others.

Next stop the Harley shop to see Selina, oh and Patrick was there as well that needed to fix the chaps again, problems with the snaps that borrowed a hammer and got directions for my trip to Skagway…and you can see, it looks like it’ll be a rainy day although the Whitehorse forecast is for sunshine this afternoon, well that won’t help me out since I’m heading south and it just looks worse the further I go that at one of the camera stops, a couple told me it was heavy sprinkles that are going to get wet for sure, but that was 20 miles up the road that I’ll wait and glad I did because found a little tour place along the way that had some eagles on display. This particular place helps those that have been wounded and also take some out of the nest to raise before letting them into the wild, that got some great pictures of the 1 year old Gold Eagle and 3 of the bald eagles and met 3 couples from Ohio that headed this way thru Sturgis, bikers, but they are on a boat tour to Alaska, the easy way out. Well, donned the rain gear and back on the road to Skagway which was a very foggy ride. Got to a point that couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of you that turned on the flashers and slowed down to make it to the welcome Alaska sign and finally down the hill where it started clearing some, but not enough to see the sites,. but from what I can see can only imagine how beautiful a ride it is when the suns out…oh, well, that’ll be a return trip, but we’ll see when that might happen because there’s a whole world out there to see – more on that later.

Made it to Skagway and got some pictures of the downtown which is one of the things to do here, that although there are a lot of jewelry shops since this is a cruise line stop, found out downtown and some of the buildings are actually the National park…got a brochure on it that if you really want to read it, maybe I’d loan it to you. Figured I better hit the ferry station to find out how to get to some of the ports I want to visit and it ain’t gonna be easy. If I go the route I would like to, whether with the bike or without, will have to spend a couple of days at each port that maybe I should just head south toward Juneau and see where that takes me, but it was easier checking it all out right now that booked my trip to Juneau leaving later today…there wasn’t a ferry to Haines until late tomorrow and a return the next day that can skip that. From Juneau wanted to do Sitka, but that would be a few days before I could get back from there even though I could leave my bike in Juneau or ship it alone to Ketchikan and call the Harley shop to see if they’d pick it up for me, but can probably skip Sitka on this trip.Will just take a ferry in a couple of days to Ketchikan and stay there for a couple of nights before the next ferry which’ll get me to Prince Rupert on the 5th to start heading toward home…that is unless I decide to hit one of the other ports and extend my stay along the inside passage on the Alaskan Marine Highway…tickets are good for the next ferry incase I miss one that should be ok.

Time for a little lunch now that the ferry’s are set that made my way to the Northern Lights Pizzeria and met Jessie and Becky who took care of me and told me about their work here during the summer and where their off to during the winter. Becky was going to school at Utah state, but is going to take off a semester whereas Jessie goes to Big Sky that for any of you skiers that make a trip there this winter, look her up and tell her that Dale sent you. After lunch had a little time to kill that will ride around town a little for some more pictures, but in the rain, not much else to see that might as well just get to the ferry station and get in line where I met 3 bikers, Paul, Rick and Robin from the UK and on a world wide tour…ok, I have talked to more and more people about a world tour and like they said, no family or kids and still young that now is the time to do it and I couldn’t agree with them more that I wonder if I can rearrange my finances to help do such a trip. These guys have their houses rented out which pays the mortgage and a little extra cash and figure they will settle down at different places along the way after 6 month scoots and work for a couple of months to make money to help finance the next 6 months…hey, they might be on to something and I could do just about anything out there just for some cash that maybe I should see about extending my trip. A big difference between me and them though, they are doing this together where I am on my own, but at least the same experiences, some of the great people they have met along the way that have been willing to help them out. The other thing they have is a BMW book of contacts throughout the world of other BMW bikers that offer rooms, tenting sites, workshops, coffee and conversation and so much more that has really helped keep the cost down for them when they do find a place to stay…hey, wouldn’t you think that Harley or better yet, HOG would have something like that? if they do, I need to find out about it.

On the ferry and again have to tie down the bikes that I sure hope I did a good job that it holds because these waters are a lot rougher than the others I’ve taken. Oh well, joining the boyz for a little conversation and they have taken the same route as me thru Canada and Alaska that maybe I’ll just have to hook up with them for some more of this world tour…it is a thought. The ferry ride wasn’t bad since I kept busy working on my blogs and pictures, but looking forward to getting to Juneau and maybe some nicer weather, but hey, Alaska remember and Juneau has even heavier rains than I’ve had so far. All four of us, remember the guys from the UK, hooked up beds at the Juneau hostel and it doesn’t sound bad at all, $10 and a choir, that lets see what kind of choir I get once I get there, but right now with this rain, just want to get there. Well, Paul has the GPS system that was going to follow him, but it wasn’t working, must be the rain that they’ll follow my primitive directions…you know, it’s all in my head and I just have to remember what streets and if I can’t figure out which way to turn – right is always right, right?

Finally made it without incident and this downtown is much like downtown San Francisco, very hilly that it’ll be something finding a level place to park the bikes. Checked in and this is a really nice hostel and my choir today, take out the garbage…I can handle that. Not too happy with the rules since we feel like we’re being treated like kids, but have to be in by midnight since the doors are locked and not unlocked until 7:00 in the morning and tomorrow, have to leave by 9:00am and can’t come back until 5:00pm. The hostel has lock out from 9:00 to 5:00 and can only figure that this is the families house that they offer as a cheap hostel that while they’re gone working for the day everyone else has to leave…ok, might be able to find something to do tomorrow depending on the weather.

A warm shower to wash off the rain and will be ready to head downtown with the boyz to see what kind of trouble we can raise. Oh yea, and forgot to mention the ranger that helped me out downtown Skagway, well, the one that told me about the buildings being the national park and guess where she’s staying, yep the hostel so have to get a picture with ranger Angie. Still raining that it’s a good thing we have rain gear and Angie was rounding up the troops, others from the hostel to head to one of the downtown bars for Salsa night, hey that sounds like a plan, but us guys need something to eat first that at this time, will take what we can get which is just what we got at the Imperial Saloon…was pretty good food that’ll hold us over for the night. Well, made it to the Rendezvous for a little salsa and got to know our bartending staff pretty quick, why wouldn’t’ we when you have a couple of nice looking ladies takin care of us, Deb and Mari and Elgin’s a happy man right about now. You can see it didn’t take long for Deb to get up dancing on the bar…ok, maybe not dancing quite yet, but the night is still young and with the women the dance floor, our odds look pretty good, lets see what the night brings. Oh, and talked to Mari about the shirt she had on and got it from her sister that went to school in Stanford which said; ‘Well-behaved women don’t make history’. What it’s supposed to mean is that women that don’t take chances or risks won’t necessarily get anywhere or make things happen. Oh, and for Mari, she graduated from a prominent East coast college, don’t remember which one and moved back here, her home town and is working in construction…not what she graduated doing, but not sure what she wants to do in life yet – you’ll find it, everyone does sooner or later and for me, I might have a different agenda ahead of me. Ok, gotta be out of the hostel tomorrow morning that will get this done late tonight and see what tomorrow brings. Juneau pictures via Skagway.


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