Denver, Colorado

Made it to the ‘Mile High City’ and just in time since the rain was setting in…that’s better than what it could be, snow. Everything worth seeing was from the Red River to Colorado Springs though, not much from there to Denver. Once again, never did see the sign entering Colorado, but that’s like so many of the other states crossed…finally realized it going thru a town boasting itself as the oldest city in Colorado, you know the one - San Luis…yep, never heard of it before.
Hello Rocky Mountains….what an unbelievable view and again the pictures won’t do it justice, but these aren’t just hills like we’re use to in the Midwest, but real mountains. Could’ve made a straight shot to Colorado Springs, but way too much of Colorado that has to be seen...Oh yea, wondering about the donut shop in Red River? needed something to get me going for the day. You can really tell when you’re getting into the mountains though, cuz it takes layers to stay warm…leather just won’t do.
Pikes Peak was unbelievable and not for the faint of heart especially on a motorcycle. About 10 miles of pavement and 8 miles of gravel and don’t get too close to the edge, ya go over one of those and you’ll never be coming back. I can’t describe it because it was an unbelievable drive and although very tense at times, you feel like accomplishing something when you reach the top…and cold? Nothing like going from the heat of hell in New Mexico to colder than a witches – ok, you get the idea. Didn’t take too many pictures while riding up or down cuz it takes all the concentration to keep the shiny side up on these roads, but check out the view from the top. Its breath taking, literally - after walking around the entire peak to take pictures I was outta breathe. Check it out, that’s real snow and tried taking a picture of my boot in it, ok, kept it on, but its real snow. Thought going down was going to be a lot easier than the climb, but it still took all your concentration and you can’t just coast, you have to drive it. There’s no way the brakes could keep you from getting going too fast for some of the turns so it’s riding in one gear most of the way…and again, don’t get too close to the edge, one slip and it’s over. Thought on the way up and down how many problems there are with some of the hairpin turns in Sturgis for bike week that I’d hate to see that many bikes trying to do this. Well for only an 18 mile drive, that took a couple of hours so it was on to Colorado Springs and once in town you have to checkout the Garden of the Gods, well, maybe not, but it was pretty interesting to see many of the rock formations.
Finally on the road to Denver and again, not much to see and freeway driving, well you can imagine on Memorial weekend what it’s like. Found a place on the way in to town, but someone told me I should head downtown cuz can get a room cheap and checkout the party street…right, couldn’t get out of there quick enough to find something half way decent for a decent price, but did end up here, another Motel 6 - time to clean the dust and grime of New Mexico away. More Rockies to see tomorrow and someone tells me gotta do the million dollar highway. Not only because of the view, but can imagine the cost in this area…hey; there’s as much road construction around here as back home. Let’s hope the rain goes away and especially, no snow.
Ok, although I may be lost hopefully I’m not forgotten that if you get a chance either comment on a blog and/or drop me an email, would enjoy hearing from those checking out, Where-is-Webby. Here ya go with the Pics.
Hey Dale,
It is fun to hear about your trip! I have been tracking usually every day and the commentary is good and informative.
More later . . .
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