Childress Texas

So it was either going tubing with Kendra and Bonnie or moving on…now what do you think since I’m still in Texas and the picture of the falls? Well, if it weren’t for an early morning email telling me to get outta Texas, tubing would’ve been the thing to do, but a visit to;
Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain,And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweetWhen the wind comes right behind the rain…was the thing to do. Caught a little more of home down south heading north on 35 and eventually had to make a decision, 35E or 35W, well, if you look close and the lean of the picture the Dallas route was the way to go and 35E back home is a little more familiar…besides showing a picture of downtown Dallas most people remember that TV show, but I’m sure few if any have heard of the show Fort Worth, well, at least I don’t think there was such a show. Ok Kendra and
Bonnie, how fun a time did I miss...wait, maybe don't tell me.
Kim told me about Turner falls and something worth seeing, but a stop at the visitors center to get some great directions from the ladies on duty was first…yep, probably should’ve gotten a picture since they were so helpful, but not everything is gonna be perfect. You can see by the shots how great the water is and man, for as hot as it is, a dip might be a good idea…what’dya know, I just bought a suit the day before…what was I saying a few days earlier – everything happens for a reason? Well, since the water looked inviting and the young ladies, ok, I know too young, but a picture doesn’t hurt…had to get on the suit and take a dip – a great way to wash off the road grime getting outta Texas.
Ok, on the way to the falls, made a stop at Waco’s Harley shop only to walk in and out, they didn’t have my morning coffee, Mt Dew, so moved on. Once in Oklahoma and because of the signs I saw along the freeway for ham sandwiches a stop at Richardson’s was needed, hey when a guy gets hungry he better eat and what a great sandwich, wouldn’t of found it any other way than advertising…maybe that’s what I can do when I have to find a job, advertise. Well, after all that and a dip in the falls it was on to the mountains of Oklahoma…hey, looks just like South Dakota where I head to Sturgis every August and it is pretty much the same, and remember the Buffalo are wild so when you see them crossing the road you keep you distance, especially on the bike I have since I’m sure it looks like another Buffalo to them…bad picture cuz was turning around just in case had to hightail it outta there, we’ve seen one charge a bike before.
Now to a little daring for the day; not only did I do another 80mph workout, but after climbing the mountain that the shots are from, had to get down so decided to coast and see whether it could be done without brakes, well, found out pretty quick it’s probably not such a good idea, especially when you hit a 25mph curve at 50 and if you don’t brake and lean a little more…well, you could imagine what could happen.
Well, now to how I ended up in Texas again, ran into some kids in Oklahoma and eyed up a park to spend the night at and figured I’d hit a bar and then crash at the park, but they suggested I go across the border cuz they wouldn’t care in Childress…the one thing they forgot to mention was Childress is in a dry county. Great, no going to a bar to see about finding a place to stay, but Michelle and Elena told me about a park down the road. Ok, now for a little more daring for the day, not too tired so do I drive another 2 hours to Amarillo or crash in the park for the night…well, now you’ll have to tune in. Isn’t that how all the TV shows get you hooked? I’m learning.
Oh, one other thing, stopped at the Holy city in the hills of Oklahoma and isn’t it something that there is always some kind of saying that hits home, or at least reminds you of something or someone…I particular liked the one about not being complete without burdens and asking for help…we could all use a little help now and then.
The rest of Oklahoma.
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