Brenham, Galveston TX - Day 2

Today was a trip to the Texas coastal town of Galveston. It’s plenty hot in these here parts that escaping the heat along the coast ain’t a bad idea. The temps were in the mid 90’s today and it was already forecasted to hit the 100’s the next few days…not sure where, but definitely someplace in Texas. On the way kept seeing the seat belt signs ‘Click it or Ticket’ and that the fine is $200, do have a strap on the seat, but sure hope I’m exempt cuz there’s no way that’s going around me. Hey, there is a coat that’ll inflate if thrown from the bike to minimize the damage and someone has even come out with a bike with airbags…think it was BMW – that’ll definitely make a difference if you hit something – sure.
Thought for sure an Ihop along the way would have free internet service, but no luck so the pictures will have to wait. Took in a quick breakfast/lunch and headed to the coast only to get rained on a little, but hey, the temps were much better than the mid 90’s that I left behind. Oh yea, that reminds me of a sign that caught my interested in Rosenberg, but no one home, a Tarot or psychic reading, should’ve gotten a picture, but again, no one home. Galveston Island was pretty cool and checkout the great sea wall. There’s a plaque that says something about it and another about the original building of the thing, but didn’t catch it all. See the warning sign? you know me, see a sign like that and I’m gonna heed it’s warning – not. That just get’s people to venture out on the thing…something about reverse psychology, right? Took another ferry ride from the island and there’s been plenty of water crossed so far on this trip, either by boat or ferry and I don’t mind the ferry’s – no, not those kind of ferry’s. Notice the birds? reminded me of the Hitchcock movie – you know the one…’Birds’.
Headed north to find the road between Galveston and Port Arthur was wiped out, again, hurricane damage so of course there was a detour around it. Made the same trip though from there on the interstate thru Houston, but this time in rush hour traffic and rain, I definitely didn’t mind the ride the day before, but those people driving on the freeways are crazy – yea, ok guess I’m one of them, but there wasn’t any other way around the place. Made it back to Brenham ok, tired from all the freeway riding, but hey, finally had a good home cooked meal and one of my favorite comfort meals, beef roast with potatoes, carrots, celery, onions and gravy…mm good. Thanks again to Deb, Dale (notice the spelling) and Randi for their great hospitality and putting up with me for another night. Galveston pics. Tomorrow, it’s the Alamo.
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