Brenham Texas - Day 1

Day 14 has brought me here to Brenham Texas to visit my cousin Debbie and her family Randi and Dale - yep, same name just a different spelling. Where is Brenham you ask? – well, half way between Houston and Austin and not a place I figured to reach in a day from New Orleans.
Took a few more pictures of New Orleans on my way out to see more of Louisiana and I was sure hoping to catch an air boat tour or swamp tour, but things just didn’t turn out that way. Had called the air boat place the night before, but no tours planned in the morning so figured I’d stop in on my way through, well, had just missed a group of 4 that showed up half an hour earlier…ok, yea, if I would have gotten myself going earlier this morning could’ve made it, but everything happens for a reason. Checked out the swamp tour next door, but for just one, it’d cost too much so moved on. Stopped at a visitor center on the way and found out about a local swamp tour leaving in an hour so figured it was time for something to eat. Well, I’ve seen so many Waffle houses in the south that it had to be checked out; this one wasn’t the greatest choice though. The food wasn’t bad except for a cold waffle, but that was because the service was terrible…that’s why you tip accordingly – right? It was time to hit the road for the swamp tour, but for some reason I missed my exit. Must’ve been an abduction again or day dreaming about something because by the time I realized it, it was too late to backtrack – remember, everything happens for a reason.
Saw some of the worst devastation from a hurricane along the southwest gulf coast of Louisiana from the other hurricane, Rita. There were complete beach towns as well as the city of Cameron completed wipe out and not too much going on for rebuilding efforts. The beach town had been cleared of most of the debris except for some of the stilts and all the paved roads were still in tact. Hey, could I interest you in some beach property? Forgot to mention that I’ve seen a lot of homes for sale along the gulf with every trip that I’ve taken, sure you could get one for a steal, it’s just the cleanup, fix up and insurance that’ll cost you…Ok, it’s not funny because the devastation is pretty bad.
Once I hit Port Arthur got directions from a guy walking out with two beers in paper bags…is that how they drink their beer in Texas? Found out wasn’t too far from Brenham so hightailed it over, thru Houston that is. Had to make another stop to eat, again another place I’ve seen a lot of along the south, Sonic and the burger was ok, but the service was much, much better, thanks Jessica – remember, you tip accordingly.
I actually got a workout in too today. Not only did I do my daily butt crunches…ya gotta have a hard ass for a ride like this, but I did some upper body work. The wind resistance at 80mph on a bike is pretty good…now it’s just figuring out how I can shoot a workout video while traveling that fast down the road. More Texas to come. Here are the pictures.
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