Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Georgetown, Charleston, Savannah

What’dya know, a dry day and with the faithful serving a free pancake breakfast, a good day to hit the road. They are very religious in the south and thanks to the campground for giving us a different message every day to believe. Did you catch the first message? ‘A woman that feareth the Lord shall be praised’ well, fear bike week in Myrtle Beach.

South it was to see some of the history along the sea front. Surprisingly there isn’t much to see along the rides because they don’t have a road right along the beaches like the Great River Road, but once in town, there is plenty of old building and history to catch up on. First stop was Georgetown. A pretty cool boardwalk and it’s amazing how all the buildings are built right over the water – hey, isn’t that the Bubba Gump Shrimp boat? Georgtown pics.

Next stop, Charlestown and this town shows a lot of history, mostly mansions so this was definitely where the money was at…where did the help stay? There’s a lot to see just walking around, but being on a schedule and not being able to do a lot of these places justice with the pictures, it was time for lunch and where better than the Noisy Oyster – I don’t mind seafood talking back. Thanks Wayne and Nancy for the free onion rings, they were pretty good. Had to have some shrimp though and again with the good lookin bartender Amanda serving it up, it was tasty. Had to get Keith in the picture too cuz he helped me with a route to take to Savannah, sorry to say, I missed my turn. Charleston pics.

I ended up here, the Savannah Inn. It’s worth the extra $10 for a room instead of setting up and tearing down camp…so deal with it. Had to checkout downtown and it’s great along the river – needless to say I did find out from the locals that it’s just the tourist area, but hey, the seafood dinner was great…sushi quality Ahi with an Asian flare. A great ride back to the Inn under the moonlight and have I ever told you how much I love riding at night? Well, last night was almost my last with some young chic pulling out cutting me off – the only way I got her attention was kicking the car – hey, watch out for motorcycles, we do share the road. Shiny side is still up. Savannah pics.


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