Myrtle Beach - Day 3

Day 3 came in Myrtle Beach and with the thunderstorms during the night, figured it’d be a good day to stay and let things dry out…hey, I got all the time in the world – well, at least a few months. Also figured it’d be a good time to do laundry with the facilities they had, so got that outta the way – at least clean cloths for another week…I knew I should’ve packed more riding jeans Jim – they get dirty fast on the road…even with chaps on.
Today was O’Canada day, ah? The couple camping next to me, Ray and Barb rode that Road Star, nope, not an Indian, just a Yamaha and apparently that saddle was harder than a board – but hey, checkout the seat Barb rode, man, we all could use a woman like that. The others were downtown Myrtle Beach at McAdoos - yep, now you’ve seen it. From left to right, Rob, Colleen and Peter and we had a great time partying it up even without the band playing. I also found another place to visit on this trip, north of the border in Canada thanks to Pete and Colleen - you’ll be hearing from me…like I said, I got all the time in the world. Can you believe for being O’Canada day, none of them curl?
The day was sunny, but cooler than normal so a good time to checkout the North side of Myrtle Beach - the Dog House and right next door, Secrets - they’re right, girls, girls, girls. It wasn’t the party side of town though, just more vendors so of course I had to buy something – not for the bike, but for me. I finally broke down and bought a pair of the Panoptx, but hey, for $200 they are special editions and match the color of the bike. They should last a lifetime, but we’ll see just how special edition they are.
So there was no getting out of Myrtle Beach without some damage to the bike and no, it didn’t take me dropping it, but parking it with all the other bikes. Looks like someone caught the fairing with a lever, but if you don’t know it, you’ll never notice it. And can you believe it? the night ends with more rain…this time rain gear on before getting wet for the ride back to camp. Let’s hope for a dryer tomorrow. Get ur pics here.
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