New Orleans - Day 1

Checkout the camping arrangement and what a great night camping - falling to sleep under the stars and waking up to a clear blue sky – who needs a tent when you have a view like that? - awesome.
Today my first stop took me to the Pensacola Harley shop for my first oil and filter change, yep, 5,000 miles already and these changes don’t come cheap…hey, I did get a free bike wash though. Got some great directions for gulf riding, so 2 hours later and trying to get connected, was on the road toward New Orleans. More great views of the gulf and a street sign which I saw a lot of; ‘check fuel, long bridge ahead’ fortunately no running outta gas for me.
The trip took me to Fort Morgan where the ferry from there goes to Dauphin Island. Had to checkout Fort Morgan before boarding and it was actually worth the $5 even though I didn’t get to see the entire thing. Once we crossed the gulf with the oil rigs and boats passing in front of us, I saw the other fort which fought against Morgan – no, I don’t know what country was on the Dauphin side, but I do know that Morgan was an English fort. It was surprising to learn too that the two forts fought against each other using cannonballs, had no idea they could shoot those things 4 – 5 miles away. Did miss my turn on Dauphin island, but got to see more or the hurricane destruction.
Hey I crossed four states today. From Florida thru Alabama, Mississippi into Louisiana – that’s cool. Following the gulf road turned out to take me on a detour though because the bridge to Biloxi was out and I found out all of them to New Orleans were being worked on - yep, more hurricane damage. Figured once on the freeway, might as well hightail it to New Orleans to get a room and party in the French district and all I have to say was I was afraid for my life. The first was the long bridge was rough and some of it torn up from the Hurricane, the other was just the traffic itself and once I got off the freeway looking for gas, that’s when I saw the worst hit part of the city, nothing but debris all over and nothing open…no pictures cuz I just wanted to get outta there as quick as I could. Once I finally did get downtown though, found a nice hotel with a reasonable price only 3 blocks from the partying, ‘The Queen and Crescent Hotel’.
Today was a day for Melissa’s and me too since I had one for lunch and another for dinner. Hooters Melissa is the third from the right and it was only me and Melissa at the Acme Oyster and Seafood House – hey, aren’t raw oysters some kind of aphrodisiac? - Poor, poor pitiful me. Bourbon Street was great and they’re right it doesn’t close. I had Colleen and Rose show be the ropes with a start at the Bourbon Cowboy – now howya think it got that name. Gonna spend more than a night here in New Orleans, so stay tune. Day1 NO pics.
Hey Dale, thanks for bringing us along on your ride. I enjoy reading the daily updates.
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