Milton, Florida

Today it’s Milton Florida which is just north of Destin on the gulf, ok, how about 12 miles east of Pensacola? I was hoping to stay in Destin or at least a state park along the gulf, but apparently they’re all still closed because of the hurricanes. I did eye up some other parks that I thought I would just crash at, or even a beach, but with all the construction and devastation, figured the nearest KOA’ll work. Am going to sleep like a cowboy though, no need for a tent since there’s no forecast for rain so it’ll just be the sleeping bag and pad on top of a picnic table…I’m sure I don’t need to worry about gators, but don’t want any other critters joining me.
The first few pictures are me leaving Tifton which thanks again Debra Lee for a great time. Tried getting a picture of the moon in the clear blue sky that I was riding toward, but couldn’t get any to turn out...quite a site though, the moon in the clear blue skies with the sun behind me. Well, anyway, did happen to catch the Florida state border which I almost missed. They just don’t seem to have the same state pride as Wiscony or Minnesota cuz they don’t have the big welcome signs like we’re use to seeing. I missed the Georgia border because of it and have to thank the guys in the truck that honked at me tapping their heads, no not for anything other than just letting me know about the helmet law. Already heard from the chic at the Harley shop they’ll nail you as soon as you cross the border if you don’t have one on…I guess I’ll be watching for the signs a little closer.
Today was a strange drive leaving Georgia though cuz I was either abducted by aliens or had an outta body experience, yep, I did cuz I don’t remember most of the trip thru Georgia – the last thing I remember is listening to Rascal Flatt’s Broken Road before I realized where I was. That song meant something to me and I’m sure there’s someone out there who knows what I’m talkin about.
Hey, finally a coastal highway that shows you most of the coast. The ride along the gulf has been great and the scenery is unbelievable. They have some awful long bridges and I had to make a trip over one of them to St George’s Island for lunch. Do you recognize the section of bridge that I did get a picture of? It’s the one they blew up for the movie ‘True Lies’…I liked that movie or maybe it was just Jamie Lee Curtis, well, she is hot. Lunch was a little slow, but the beach reminded me of Cozumel, but hey checkout the soft crab sandwich I had, now I know why they call it a Poboy – I felt sorry for the Poboy while I was eating him…tasty. The trip west of Panama City took a long time, not only because of hitting rush hour, but there’s an awful lot of construction going on, both road and hotels due again to the hurricanes. Tonight though, it’s steak from another Texas Roadhouse (remember the one in Myrtle Beach) but this time I have Victoria and Michell to thank for the service…sorry Will. More gulf to come.
And more pics.
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