The Alamo

Remember the Alamo. What an awesome experience and one that makes you really appreciate what you have. What some people will do for the freedom we have and what they believe in. Ok, maybe the Alamo wasn’t about the freedom of this country, but could you imagine being one of those 32 men who knew their death was imminent and stayed instead of leaving? They had 3 choices, surrender which with the Red flag the Mexican’s flew meant sure death, flee or fight and all but one chose to fight. It was surprising to find the Alamo right in the center of town. The city was built around it and times it was going to be torn down until they decided to preserve it as a memorial to the 32 men. Something of interest, no pictures allowed in any of the buildings, only outside, again because it’s a memorial. Some think they moved the Alamo downtown for the tourists, but nope, that’s where it sits and everything else around it came later.
Left the Texas ranch where my cousin and her family live and made it to Seguin for lunch, about 30 miles east of San Antonio. My first day missing a picture of the place stopped for lunch, but it was a very good Mexican lunch at a little roadside café. They had a lunch special of enchiladas with rice and beans which hit the spot…yep, beans, just what a person needs on a ride like this.
Ok, back to San Antonio and the other thing to do when in San Anton’ is the River walk. It’s across the street from the Alamo below street level and it’s like a canal walk you’d experience in a place like Venice, nope never been there, but just imagining that’s what it’s like. The walk is loaded with bars and restaurants as well as shops for the shopper types, but you can see they put the hot lookin Texas chic’s outside each bar to bring you in…sorry I didn’t have time to stick around Kaeleigh, but thanks for the chat and picture.
On my north outta town, saw a sign for a city that looked familiar…ok, only because I saw it in an email…New Braunfels. Had finally made contact with a couple we met in Cozumel and although they said they lived near the Austin area sent me the name of the town…hey, isn’t it closer to San Antonio than Austin. Anyway, took the exit and made a call and found out that if I could spare half an hour, there’s a place I needed to see. Of course had to think about that one, spare half an hour to see a place and visit someone, hell, that’s what this trip is all about and remember - I have all the time in the world. That is the greatest thing about this trip too, not only the new people that I’m meeting along the way and getting to know, but getting together with those who I’ve already met, anxious and eager to show me their towns and a little of where they live. Well, ok, back to New Braunfels, met up with Bobby and he showed me downtown Gruene, Texas, home of the nation’s oldest dance haul where all the big names have probably played at one time or another – do you recognize the place? yep, the same one from the movie ‘Michael’.
Finally made it to Austin after the short detour and hooked up with Kim and Kirk, my stop for the night. They’re a couple I met my first year in Sturgis and they wanted to show me a little more of Texas, remember, that’s what this trip is all about…right, places and people to see. Well, they had a bbq place called the Salt Lick, a well known place in these here parts that you just have to visit cuz it’s pretty unique and one of the few if any restaurants that has a BYOB – that’s cool. Ok, for you city folk, a salt lick is a salt block you put out for the cattle to lick – a place where all the animals congregate, get it? It was family style all you could eat bbq with sausage, pork and beef brisket and not only was the food great, but Jamie made sure we had more than we could eat…and thanks for taking our picture Jamie. Tomorrow, let’s see what else Texas has to show us. Alamo Pics.
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