Santa Fe, New Mexico

I’d wonder the same thing, how does a person end up in Santa Fe? Well, no problems except the camera working only when it wants to, but there was a lot to cover, seeing the sites and trying to get to the Red River Run. Ok, so still about 3 hours away, but after my stop in Albuquerque the suggestion was to call it a night because the view on the way from Santa Fe to Red River was worth a daylight ride. For a Memorial weekend, this place is dead, except for all the hotels being full…you know, those travelers that when they decide to call it a day take an exit looking for a place to crash – pretty much like me. Found another Motel 6 and although they’re full, gave me an out of commission room at a discount…so the door doesn’t open with a card key and I have to have the person in the office open it for me, more of an inconvenience for them than me.
So the reason for going thru Roswell is to at least see the Alien museum and boy am I glad I did that…ok, it was free so it didn’t hurt so much, but the old lady at the front desk was a hoot. I know, should’ve gotten her picture, but she asked how I was –I reciprocate to which she said if she were any younger and better, I’d be in trouble…ok, knock 20 years off and it be considered, but, not today. Well, we also got a talking about being ‘bad’ and gettin thrown in jail, but her story was much better, something about having key even though she was locked up…think about it.
Time to escape the heat and it only took 20 miles west to feel a difference. According to my temp gauge, it dropped 10 degrees and another 30 miles and it was a whole 20 degrees cooler – must be in the mountains. Saw more awesome country, but quite different than other mountain ranges I’ve seen since these were all still pretty barren…a lot of rock and dirt so saw plenty of dust storms in the distance. Wanted to do Ski Apache since Dale (yep, notice the spelling) suggested it, but you can see I was turned down by Christina. Yea, did see the closed sign about 10 miles earlier, but you know me, gotta check it out and make sure there’s no way thru…could’ve snuck trough, but decided to chat instead of starting a chase. From there it was out of the mountains to canyon between the ranges…still cooler than the other side so not such a bad ride and according to the lady at the visitors center, a stop at the Outpost for a green chili cheese burger and fries was the thing to do…one of those places like Mayslack’s or the Gopher bar that you’d drive miles just to eat…well, it was excellent.
So the camera still cooperating only when it wants to, but if you look close you’ll see mountain ranges in the distance. Part of the loop was hitting the White Sands and that was quite a site to see. Tried to give you a perspective with the bike in the pictures, but the drift I climbed must’ve been at least 50 feet and if you look around, nothing but white sand…only one of two places that are Gypsum sand which is really fine. Time to high tail it north since I had the entire state to cover to get to the Colorado boarder…oh yea, a picture of me going down the road with the cruise set at 85…and at that speed a better workout than the 80mph workout video…still working on it. That I guess answers how I ended up in Santa Fe and you’d be surprised how a person on a laptop draws peoples attention…and it’s only the women that seem curious – hell, that’s the way it should be. Have already heard they don’t rest at the Red River Run so need to get there quick.
White Sand pics.
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