Sunday, July 09, 2006

Auburn Maine, July 9th

Auburn Maine sitting having a beer with George, remember George and Cheryl whose summer home I left yesterday? Well, talked to George this morning about making a trip from Trenton to Boston and he suggested waiting because the traffic into Boston on a Sunday afternoon would be horrid, so found a route to see more of Maine and headed north…you know the song, North to Alaska, well, I mean Canada – O’Canada.

Got up early, which seems to be the case when I’m camping so figured I’d take the time to finish my blog and get it downloaded. Found a little high speed internet café and had a bite to eat. You can see am updated and had a lot to say about yesterday and this morning, thanks to Jen for the spelling and names of places along the way so I could track where I’ve been. Yea, I can do that if I use a map, but it’s much easier asking someone and then I have something to talk to them about – like that’s ever a problem. Ok, did have the map with me cuz thought I’d plan the days trip and see what the HOG book suggested about roads to ride, so found a route that took me along more of Highway 1, the East coast highway which is just called the Coastal 1, none of that PCH, but notice it has the same number? someone could get lost if they didn’t know which coast they were on. Anyway, you can see by most of the pictures along the way to Canada that much of the East coast is mostly bays and waterways and not just ocean like you have on the west coast or further south along the east. Quite a different view, but some pretty cool little towns along the way. Saw what most would consider an old time New England church with the steeple and also saw where Prince’s hidden Maine home is…maybe not a very good picture, but yep, a purple house. You should have seen the other side cuz they are just starting to paint it that color…must be a warning for those at sea instead of the usual light house. Found a little park along the way that reminded me of home and was marked as a National spot so had to check it out, St Croix Island, wait not national, but International and no fee so didn’t have to worry whether my national park pass was going to get me in or not.

A short trip from the International Island and hey, Canada is visible across the river. Not much protection from those border jumpers around here is there? That river actually looks like one that would be easy to swim across to skip the border patrol…right, none like that on this border, only the southern border is heavily guarded – kinda has me wondering why? Is Mexico really that bad that they all want to get out and become illegal’s here where as with Canada we have to worry about the American’s who want to disappear? Not sure, but does have me wondering. Ok, once in Canada decided to fatten myself up a little with some Strawberry shortcake and chocolate. Saw a sign for the shortcake and haven’t had any yet this year which is a favorite and it was pretty good even though it wasn’t as good as I learned it could be last year when someone introduced me to adding half and half or cream to the mix…boy how I miss that. These strawberries look just like those from the U.S. so had to have Amanda make sure they were the Canada version and sure enough, came from Nova Scotia…that’s Canada.

Also found out that St Stephen, New Brunswick…yep, still Canada, is Canada’s Chocolate town so had to check it out. They had a museum and everything, but saved that for my return trip because part of the trip includes touring the ‘Kissing Bridges’ of Charlotte County…a little hard to do by yourself. You can see that their chocolate is pretty important to them because they have one of those old safes you’d see in a bank to lock the chocolate up in…well, maybe not the case, but there definitely is chocolate in there. Thanks to Jessica for picking out a couple of perfect pieces, an almond caramel and coconut…it is great chocolate and signed the guest book to let them know what I thought of it and of course left my mark – ‘where-is-webby’.

Headed back to the border and noticed a sign for entering Eastern Time zone, had me wondering what time zone I just came from until noticed had captured a picture of that entering Canada - Atlantic Time zone. Have no idea if I lost and gained an hour in a matter of minutes or if it’s the same, but just different countries. If any of you Canadians know, let us know…want to know whether I was a time traveler for a day or not. Time to high tail it toward Auburn and wouldn’t you know it ran out of gas again, this time, it was just as I was pulling into a gas station. Was starting to wonder if Maine was like another state I had a problem with gas, remember New Mexico and how when they say how far the next town is, that means gas too? Well, Maine is almost the same except that fortunate for me today, they happened to have a gas station half way along the way. Someone’s gonna have to warn me about these states where there’s not much between towns. Oh well, dodged that bullet, but almost had another one once I got on the toll way. Same thing except you can’t exit along the way. If it says how far to the next town, there’s a good chance your stuck on the toll way that far, but once again, fortunate cuz they were watching out for people like me with a gas station part way thru the toll…full service to, which I believe I may have forgot to mention a few weeks ago, Oregon is all full service…my question, am I suppose to tip? Ok, my day has come to the end showing up to George and Cheryl’s and George had some homemade Shrimp gumbo for me – pretty tasty. Tomorrow, south to see what else the east coast has cookin and don’t forget – full moon, so look to the moon baby, for me. Border jumping pictures.


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