Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, July 13th
Today I was meant to be a tourist without the bike and someone on the subway pointed that out…like I said, do I really look like a tourist? well, with the maps and brochures hanging out my back pocket, guess so. Dale suggested I take the train downtown cuz he’d join me later and we’d live it large for the night to I got to live it ‘Big’ for the day, ya know, the ‘Big Apple’. To start things out sounded like I dodge a tornado yesterday according to the news. Was within miles of where I was when it went thru, but hey, as long as I was able to keep the shiny side up in the rain, gotta be happy about that. Ok, back to taking a train to downtown New York and figuring out what can I get done in a day…well, half a day since it took longer than expected to get a train and finally get downtown. Notice I was sitting at the train station by myself for quite awhile before others started showing up, so guess who knows how to read the schedule…not me, but than again, didn’t have one to read. The trip took just over an hour so better decide what to do today and figured the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Ground Zero to start things out sounds like a good thing…a little hard getting to some of them with the bike that might as well play the tourist for the day. Well, coming out of Penn station and asking someone which way to the Statue ferry, they said it’s a long walk that you should just get a taxi and tell them where you need to go and for under $10, they’ll drop you off at the door. No problem, it’s easy to hail a taxi around here, raise the arm and ones there in no time; so on to Battery Park to do a little site seeing.
Ticket prices weren’t too bad and you better believe it, asked if the National Park pass that I had would make a difference, but today, not luck. Well, even though these are both National parks, they are free to the public; the only problem is someone has to pay for the transportation there and back, hence a fee. They are both included in the package because from one island back to Manhattan you make a stop at both so you might as well do both. Would find it kinda weird for someone to skip the first island which is the statue just for Ellis Island, but can only assume those who stayed on the boat were doing just that. Got some great pictures of the statue and downtown New York on the way there and these ferry rides aren’t too bad…that’s as long as you have your sea legs – you can definitely feel you’re on the water. Anyway, on the island and gotta check out he tours and find the line into the thing only to find out you have to reserve a spot to go in at least 2 days if not longer in advance to get a ticket. Apparently they have so many people that they can fit thru that they reserve only so many spots and after they are filled, normally 2 days if not more in advance, no one else can get a ticket to get in. Wait a minute; is this some kind of challenge like the Arch and USS Constitution were? Well, you know me, I can be a little persuasive and give me the head honcho and I’ll see what I can do. Wouldn’t you know it, my uncle Sam happens to be working today that I’m sure he’ll be able to get me in. Ok, not blood related, but name enough has to count right? Well, Sam told me where to go and see whether they’d let me in or not, but when I got in line and heard a lady from Canada bitching about the situation and all the kids the traveled from Canada., but didn’t realize they had to get a pass days in advance, and heard the ranger not too happy with here, figured now’s not the time to talk to him - how’ bout I get a little closer to the entranced and ask one of those rangers which is just what I did. Well, he told me that Daphne was the head honcho today, so back to Sam to see whether he could talk Daphne into giving me a pass into the statue. For those keeping track, today is day 67 on the road that it’d be really nice to be able to get a tour without having to come back some other day, and what’dya know, Sam comes out with a pass that you have to bring Daphne out so I can thank her and get a picture and that’s just what I did…oh yea, and Dominique who sat there and listened to my stories about traveling the country. She has the blog address so hopefully she’ll share it with Sam and Daphne so they can see my appreciation for getting me in.
What a great tour and got to see what only a few each day get to see. Remember that, if anyone is planning a trip to New York and a tour of the statue, sign up for your tour tickets a few days in advance…it’s not everyone that can talk their way in…well, that’s back to treating people with kindness and respect that you’ll get the same in return…well, that’s a whole other story. Anyway, got a great tour and learned a lot about the original torch that they keep inside now. It never did look like that from the beginning cuz it was before electricity and lights and such, but at some point with lighting the U.S. thought they’d turn the statue into a beacon, ya know lighthouse, but they failed miserable with a number of attempt to get it to work. To make a long story short, the original artist suggested they cover the flame in gold and shine lights on it that while the sun is out the flame will glow and once dark the lights shone upon it will cause it to glow. Well, you know us American’s well, do nothing of the sort cuz we’ll be able to figure it out and light it our own way…notice how it is today? you bet, covered in gold with spot lights shining on it at night – oh yea, and they went back to the artist 12 years after his death to find out what he thought, guess they were a little late with that.
More great shots from within and actually had a personal tour of the infrastructure…not on purpose, just no one else coming along at the time. If you notice, the main piece of the structure on the inside is actually like the Eiffel tower and guess what, Mr. Eiffel himself designed that for the statue before he created the Eiffel tower in France…hey, he was on to something. A lot of the other parts have already been replaced; remember the big renovation they had in the 80’s? well, a lot of that was the result of things they had to fix because of what they did to the original torch. Yep, once you start opening up something that’s waterproof to get it to light up, there’s gonna be a problem and that’s just what they did trying to light the torch. Oh well, now it’s fixed with titanium that it’ll last longer than my lifetime for many more to see. What an incredible sight though and for me and my travels around the country and what beauty this country has to offer, it really makes you appreciate being an American what the freedoms that we do have. Thank you Sam and Daphne for giving me the opportunity to see the statue like only a few a day can.
Next stop Ellis Island and I don’t know what it was about the tour, well, didn’t take a tour, but just the place itself wasn’t as impressed. Could be because I don’t know the family history and what great or great, great or great, great, great relatives I should look up or when they came to the U.S., but I suppose after the Statue and the great tour I did get, it’s a little hard to top. Not that you shouldn’t tour Ellis Island because I think it’s definitely something that should be included in the package, but I guess because half of the island is off limits due to renovation didn’t help....of course I tried to go and see the rest, but it ain’t gonna happen today.
One more stop after the ferry tours and that’s ground zero which is right across the street. There wasn’t much there to see, but just knowing what had happened there, the lives which were lost and what we’ve found out we have to keep fighting for, it was a humbling experience seeing the hole left. I can at least say I’m fortunate enough to have seen the towers and toured them in my lifetime, or I should say in their lifetime, that it really does take a lot away from the New York skyline that it use to be and makes you appreciate what you do have.
The touring is done that it’s time to get to the bar that Dale’s gonna meet me at and am getting all sorts of opinions. Some are telling me I can walk to the bar cuz it’s not that far, but others are telling me it’s a hike and I should take the subway. Sounds good to me, have been on the Chicago subway and yep, this one years ago, but it was so long ago that have to get the experience. Now ya know where the comment about me being a tourist came from, but it was a pretty short ride that I can’t imagine the walk would’ve taken more than 20 minutes...guess that’s what you get living in a town like this, use to using the subway or buses to get you places instead of walking…well, guess that wouldn’t be very different for those of us who feel we have to drive to work, even if it’s within a couple of miles of where we live. Reminds me of how great it was growing up in a small town and being able to walk to everything. Ok, so the Town Tavern was a lot of fun and Gigi took good care of us, but there have got to be other bars we can check out. Sure enough, the oldest bar in New York just happens to be one of them. Hey, remember me talking about just such a tour, the oldest bars in each state, well, I think I now have 3 under my belt, Texas, California and New York, but hey, wasn’t there a 4th somewhere along the lines? so much adventure that I’m gonna have to check my own archives. Ok, that’s why McSorley’s is an Old Ale house cuz you don’t get a choice of beers, only the ones they make which is either light or dark and guess what, two for one which is gonna be great. So the Dale’s were looking for a place to sit and guess what the other thing they do here is, seat people together, sure why not, what better way to get to know people. Well, Dale and I were seated with Janet and Emmanuel that although they were eating it didn’t bother them because they’ve been here before and nope, doesn’t bother us either. Had fun socializing with them and that’s what it’s all about, seat people together and let them get to know each other cuz they’ll have something in common.
Wait, there is a controversy because apparently there is another bar claiming to be the oldest bar in NY, ok, my visiting the oldest bars in each state isn’t gonna have a very good start if I lied and said that McSorley’s is it, that gotta check it out. From first view doesn’t look nearly as old since McSorley’s was 1854 and this place is 1857, but guess you have to read their claim to fame. Well, ok, according to the Dale’s this place isn’t as much fun and doesn’t seem as old, but hey, we can have fun anywhere. Ok, that should cover it that if there’s ever a controversy, I’ve visited both in NY that I should be covered. Tomorrow, let’s see what sites of NY the bike’ll take me to. Statue and Island Pictures.
Ticket prices weren’t too bad and you better believe it, asked if the National Park pass that I had would make a difference, but today, not luck. Well, even though these are both National parks, they are free to the public; the only problem is someone has to pay for the transportation there and back, hence a fee. They are both included in the package because from one island back to Manhattan you make a stop at both so you might as well do both. Would find it kinda weird for someone to skip the first island which is the statue just for Ellis Island, but can only assume those who stayed on the boat were doing just that. Got some great pictures of the statue and downtown New York on the way there and these ferry rides aren’t too bad…that’s as long as you have your sea legs – you can definitely feel you’re on the water. Anyway, on the island and gotta check out he tours and find the line into the thing only to find out you have to reserve a spot to go in at least 2 days if not longer in advance to get a ticket. Apparently they have so many people that they can fit thru that they reserve only so many spots and after they are filled, normally 2 days if not more in advance, no one else can get a ticket to get in. Wait a minute; is this some kind of challenge like the Arch and USS Constitution were? Well, you know me, I can be a little persuasive and give me the head honcho and I’ll see what I can do. Wouldn’t you know it, my uncle Sam happens to be working today that I’m sure he’ll be able to get me in. Ok, not blood related, but name enough has to count right? Well, Sam told me where to go and see whether they’d let me in or not, but when I got in line and heard a lady from Canada bitching about the situation and all the kids the traveled from Canada., but didn’t realize they had to get a pass days in advance, and heard the ranger not too happy with here, figured now’s not the time to talk to him - how’ bout I get a little closer to the entranced and ask one of those rangers which is just what I did. Well, he told me that Daphne was the head honcho today, so back to Sam to see whether he could talk Daphne into giving me a pass into the statue. For those keeping track, today is day 67 on the road that it’d be really nice to be able to get a tour without having to come back some other day, and what’dya know, Sam comes out with a pass that you have to bring Daphne out so I can thank her and get a picture and that’s just what I did…oh yea, and Dominique who sat there and listened to my stories about traveling the country. She has the blog address so hopefully she’ll share it with Sam and Daphne so they can see my appreciation for getting me in.
What a great tour and got to see what only a few each day get to see. Remember that, if anyone is planning a trip to New York and a tour of the statue, sign up for your tour tickets a few days in advance…it’s not everyone that can talk their way in…well, that’s back to treating people with kindness and respect that you’ll get the same in return…well, that’s a whole other story. Anyway, got a great tour and learned a lot about the original torch that they keep inside now. It never did look like that from the beginning cuz it was before electricity and lights and such, but at some point with lighting the U.S. thought they’d turn the statue into a beacon, ya know lighthouse, but they failed miserable with a number of attempt to get it to work. To make a long story short, the original artist suggested they cover the flame in gold and shine lights on it that while the sun is out the flame will glow and once dark the lights shone upon it will cause it to glow. Well, you know us American’s well, do nothing of the sort cuz we’ll be able to figure it out and light it our own way…notice how it is today? you bet, covered in gold with spot lights shining on it at night – oh yea, and they went back to the artist 12 years after his death to find out what he thought, guess they were a little late with that.
More great shots from within and actually had a personal tour of the infrastructure…not on purpose, just no one else coming along at the time. If you notice, the main piece of the structure on the inside is actually like the Eiffel tower and guess what, Mr. Eiffel himself designed that for the statue before he created the Eiffel tower in France…hey, he was on to something. A lot of the other parts have already been replaced; remember the big renovation they had in the 80’s? well, a lot of that was the result of things they had to fix because of what they did to the original torch. Yep, once you start opening up something that’s waterproof to get it to light up, there’s gonna be a problem and that’s just what they did trying to light the torch. Oh well, now it’s fixed with titanium that it’ll last longer than my lifetime for many more to see. What an incredible sight though and for me and my travels around the country and what beauty this country has to offer, it really makes you appreciate being an American what the freedoms that we do have. Thank you Sam and Daphne for giving me the opportunity to see the statue like only a few a day can.
Next stop Ellis Island and I don’t know what it was about the tour, well, didn’t take a tour, but just the place itself wasn’t as impressed. Could be because I don’t know the family history and what great or great, great or great, great, great relatives I should look up or when they came to the U.S., but I suppose after the Statue and the great tour I did get, it’s a little hard to top. Not that you shouldn’t tour Ellis Island because I think it’s definitely something that should be included in the package, but I guess because half of the island is off limits due to renovation didn’t help....of course I tried to go and see the rest, but it ain’t gonna happen today.
One more stop after the ferry tours and that’s ground zero which is right across the street. There wasn’t much there to see, but just knowing what had happened there, the lives which were lost and what we’ve found out we have to keep fighting for, it was a humbling experience seeing the hole left. I can at least say I’m fortunate enough to have seen the towers and toured them in my lifetime, or I should say in their lifetime, that it really does take a lot away from the New York skyline that it use to be and makes you appreciate what you do have.
The touring is done that it’s time to get to the bar that Dale’s gonna meet me at and am getting all sorts of opinions. Some are telling me I can walk to the bar cuz it’s not that far, but others are telling me it’s a hike and I should take the subway. Sounds good to me, have been on the Chicago subway and yep, this one years ago, but it was so long ago that have to get the experience. Now ya know where the comment about me being a tourist came from, but it was a pretty short ride that I can’t imagine the walk would’ve taken more than 20 minutes...guess that’s what you get living in a town like this, use to using the subway or buses to get you places instead of walking…well, guess that wouldn’t be very different for those of us who feel we have to drive to work, even if it’s within a couple of miles of where we live. Reminds me of how great it was growing up in a small town and being able to walk to everything. Ok, so the Town Tavern was a lot of fun and Gigi took good care of us, but there have got to be other bars we can check out. Sure enough, the oldest bar in New York just happens to be one of them. Hey, remember me talking about just such a tour, the oldest bars in each state, well, I think I now have 3 under my belt, Texas, California and New York, but hey, wasn’t there a 4th somewhere along the lines? so much adventure that I’m gonna have to check my own archives. Ok, that’s why McSorley’s is an Old Ale house cuz you don’t get a choice of beers, only the ones they make which is either light or dark and guess what, two for one which is gonna be great. So the Dale’s were looking for a place to sit and guess what the other thing they do here is, seat people together, sure why not, what better way to get to know people. Well, Dale and I were seated with Janet and Emmanuel that although they were eating it didn’t bother them because they’ve been here before and nope, doesn’t bother us either. Had fun socializing with them and that’s what it’s all about, seat people together and let them get to know each other cuz they’ll have something in common.
Wait, there is a controversy because apparently there is another bar claiming to be the oldest bar in NY, ok, my visiting the oldest bars in each state isn’t gonna have a very good start if I lied and said that McSorley’s is it, that gotta check it out. From first view doesn’t look nearly as old since McSorley’s was 1854 and this place is 1857, but guess you have to read their claim to fame. Well, ok, according to the Dale’s this place isn’t as much fun and doesn’t seem as old, but hey, we can have fun anywhere. Ok, that should cover it that if there’s ever a controversy, I’ve visited both in NY that I should be covered. Tomorrow, let’s see what sites of NY the bike’ll take me to. Statue and Island Pictures.
See July 12 for my two cents.
Cathy Borden
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