Eagan MN - home, Sept 12th
Eagan Minnesota which is home, but I’ll be here for a day, just long enough to wash the bike and pack for the Tomahawk rally which’ll be the end of this part of the journey and got into town late tonight….more on that later, but my last 3 nights have been late nights getting into town that at least this one I’m familiar with, that is until I hit the construction I didn’t realize they had going on. Got a decent start early this morning and since it’s only a 7 hour trip, should be home in about 6 ½ that plenty of time. Ok, so I didn’t take a picture of how well the bed was made last night before crawling in, but like I mentioned before I do know how to make a bed…maybe not military style, but hell it works for me. Filled her up with gas, the bike that is, before heading to the border cuz incase I run out, don’t want to be in the middle of no where that said my ‘good byes’ to Winnipeg and hit the road for what the gas attendant said should be a 45 minute drive, which he was right, pretty close to 45 minutes if not a little less on a bike…don’t know why they always say I should be able to do it in less time because of being on a bike unless they already know how I drive. Anyway, took a few pictures of more wheat fields, but trust me, had my share and wasn’t really anything else to see on the way to the border.
Made my way to the border and before crossing had to cash in the Canadian currency for American that how convenient that the Canadian currency went down in value…just when I need it to be up. Oh well, still need to get rid of it for something that I can use across the border that have no choice other than a Canadian bank and like they said might be a couple cents more on the dollar that it’s not worth the 5 minute drive and gas. I don’t know what it was today, but once again, got pulled over for secondary inspection, remember Tijuana? but made a big mistake there by trying to go thru the border that I thought for sure I answered the border patrols questions that don’t know why she picked me out to be inspected further and knew at that point I should’ve been in the other line cuz it was moving a lot faster, border patrol in the other line that was either more trusting or just didn’t care. Well, sitting outside the garage door while their inspecting another vehicle that decided to make a phone call, had to remind Jesse to watch for my frozen Halibut which was suppose to be delivered today, which turned out to be the wrong thing to do. The guy in the garage saw me and came out right away and took my phone away, he said no phone calls until I get thru the border, that hey, another one of those rules I didn’t know about. Ok so can’t make a call that when I did get my bike in for it’s inspection, not gonna do any kind of smarting off or asking questions of why some of us are pulled over for inspection instead of others…did notice the car in front of me had one guy that looked like middle eastern that understood that, but me, an innocent looking biker didn’t make any sense. The guy doing the inspection started out as a jerk until he realized I was going to cooperate as much as I needed to, but I’m not happy with the way they pull things apart and then just try to jam them back into where they were…at least the lady checking out one of the bags said she’d let me pack it cuz she didn’t want to hurt my computer, but the other bag, things strewn wherever that ok, just gotta deal with it cuz want to move on.
Ok, so that took an extra half hour than what it should’ve, but hey, today I accomplished what I set out to do, hit all 49 states on this trip and I would say myself that what a hell of an accomplishment and in less than 130 days. Well, maybe a guy can balloon around the world in 120 days, but that’s only 24,901.55 miles, look it up, that my 128 day trip was almost 37,000 miles later…still a few more to put on this weekend that will log the end of the trip then, but what a hell of a ride. Home is still my destination today and checked the mileage on my trip’ Demeter when saw my next gas stop was about 40 miles away, that not a problem since I can get somewhere between 140 and 160 on a tank that should be able to make it without a problem…well, not today and definitely ended up in the middle of no where. Ran out at mile marker 146 and since saw a highway crew, thought for sure they’d have a canister of gas, but guess what, not that lucky today. Out of gas and the closest place is 12 miles away that one of the guys called highway patrol which will normally come out and give me a juicer, but nope, they stopped doing that, but will dispatch a ride for me that I just have to sit it out and wait. Ok, can do that for a bit and really hope that while waiting one of the vehicles passing would pull over and check out my situation, but again, not my lucky day that sat it out Well, after an hour wait and still no help, thought about calling my curling friend Chris and finding out if his dad who lives about 16 miles back might be able to help me out, but decided instead to checkout the HOG roadside assistance which didn’t help either.
Took me about four calls to them because my phone kept losing service, remember in the middle of no where and when I have to answer 101 questions before letting them know to just send gas to mile marker 146, doesn’t help matters. Well, finally my last call they said, and you’ll never guess…’you’re in the middle of no where’ that there isn’t a shop they can send gas from, but can send a police dispatch to help that if I know of anyone in the area that can help me out quicker, that’d be my best bet, that did just that, called Chris and he can have a friend there in 45 minutes with gas. Great, now I’m getting somewhere and probably should’ve been my first call, but in the middle of the afternoon, others are working while I’m still playing that didn’t think I’d get an answer. You can see a picture of the bike 2 hours after running out of gas…yep, in the middle of no where that I really wish I would’ve taken that gas can Joe offered, but than again figured not on the Alaskan highway that I’ll always be able to find gas. Ok, so before the highway patrol comes along or Chris’ friend can get there, a couple of guys on bikes stop and today might not be so bad after all because one of the guys just happens to have a gas can, Bob that ok, so I won’t say anything about having to mechanic a Honda with Harley parts, cuz today it took Honda gas to get me on the road and like Bob said, with the kind of head wind we have today, not going far on a tank…now if I would’ve know that would’ve thought about gas earlier cuz didn’t even get 120 miles on this tank…ok, so now I’m down to just over 100 miles a tank which is really bad gas mileage, but I don’t think the quality of the Canadian or even Alaskan gas is that great that the bike isn’t running as well as it has…hey, this baby needs premium and I haven’t had any for almost a month now.
Back on the road, after calling Chris to tell his friend, ‘thanks, but no thank’s’ and hit my first gas station only to find the lowest grade of unleaded you can get, but hey, I need gas and now that I’ve lost the convoy of John and Bob need it anyway that should be able to make the 94 miles or so to Fargo for some quality gas. Now I’m on my way that should still be able to make home in daylight that hit it hard, even with a head wind and boy how nice it is to have cruise control thru the flatlands of North Dakota, not much to see that had plenty of other on my mind and yep, some was getting gas before getting too far away from Fargo. Well, crossed the Minnesota border and noticed one of the last exits before going 40 some miles to the next stop has gas food, lodging and camping that I’m gonna take it and you know when you don’t know which way to go, go right that did just that looking for gas since there wasn’t a station right there by the exit. Well, once I figured out there wasn’t gas anywhere in site and have to head back a couple of exits did just that, but again, something must be trying to keep me from getting home because a mile from the gas exit…outta gas again that thanks to Andy for stopping and helping me out – no 2 hour wait this time, but then again even if I would’ve hiked it, it was only a mile to go, but still time wasted. Ok, now I’m not happy with the gas mileage and having to worry about gas every hundred miles, but than again, that’s almost what HD stands for…well, almost that instead of a Hundred Dollars, in my case it’s a Hundred Miles and that’s all you get.
Finally after a long day of more sitting and waiting than riding, entering another big city late at night and tonight it’s fortunate that it’s one that I know cuz I know I’ll be able to get fed and a lot of other activities going on late that just want to get the bike home for it’s ‘made it home’ picture and down to my favorite bar that did just that. Ok, about 2 ½ hours later than planned, but still home and thanks to Cliff, Sherry and Jesse for taking such good care of the place and the note greeting me home, that I’m happy to be home. Got unpacked and called my buddy Jim to find out that him Mark and Eric are going to be at Old Chicago for a coming home party for me, that ok, works for me...ok, wasn’t a coming home party, but to celebrate Eric’s bday and since mine is coming up, might as well party it up that you can see where I ended, my favorite hometown bar, Old Chicago with Lori, Jamie and Libbi taking good care of me. Ok, like I said earlier, in town just long enough to wash the bike and pack that we’ll see what else tomorrow has to offer…ok? Border and boring ND and MN Pictures.
Made my way to the border and before crossing had to cash in the Canadian currency for American that how convenient that the Canadian currency went down in value…just when I need it to be up. Oh well, still need to get rid of it for something that I can use across the border that have no choice other than a Canadian bank and like they said might be a couple cents more on the dollar that it’s not worth the 5 minute drive and gas. I don’t know what it was today, but once again, got pulled over for secondary inspection, remember Tijuana? but made a big mistake there by trying to go thru the border that I thought for sure I answered the border patrols questions that don’t know why she picked me out to be inspected further and knew at that point I should’ve been in the other line cuz it was moving a lot faster, border patrol in the other line that was either more trusting or just didn’t care. Well, sitting outside the garage door while their inspecting another vehicle that decided to make a phone call, had to remind Jesse to watch for my frozen Halibut which was suppose to be delivered today, which turned out to be the wrong thing to do. The guy in the garage saw me and came out right away and took my phone away, he said no phone calls until I get thru the border, that hey, another one of those rules I didn’t know about. Ok so can’t make a call that when I did get my bike in for it’s inspection, not gonna do any kind of smarting off or asking questions of why some of us are pulled over for inspection instead of others…did notice the car in front of me had one guy that looked like middle eastern that understood that, but me, an innocent looking biker didn’t make any sense. The guy doing the inspection started out as a jerk until he realized I was going to cooperate as much as I needed to, but I’m not happy with the way they pull things apart and then just try to jam them back into where they were…at least the lady checking out one of the bags said she’d let me pack it cuz she didn’t want to hurt my computer, but the other bag, things strewn wherever that ok, just gotta deal with it cuz want to move on.
Ok, so that took an extra half hour than what it should’ve, but hey, today I accomplished what I set out to do, hit all 49 states on this trip and I would say myself that what a hell of an accomplishment and in less than 130 days. Well, maybe a guy can balloon around the world in 120 days, but that’s only 24,901.55 miles, look it up, that my 128 day trip was almost 37,000 miles later…still a few more to put on this weekend that will log the end of the trip then, but what a hell of a ride. Home is still my destination today and checked the mileage on my trip’ Demeter when saw my next gas stop was about 40 miles away, that not a problem since I can get somewhere between 140 and 160 on a tank that should be able to make it without a problem…well, not today and definitely ended up in the middle of no where. Ran out at mile marker 146 and since saw a highway crew, thought for sure they’d have a canister of gas, but guess what, not that lucky today. Out of gas and the closest place is 12 miles away that one of the guys called highway patrol which will normally come out and give me a juicer, but nope, they stopped doing that, but will dispatch a ride for me that I just have to sit it out and wait. Ok, can do that for a bit and really hope that while waiting one of the vehicles passing would pull over and check out my situation, but again, not my lucky day that sat it out Well, after an hour wait and still no help, thought about calling my curling friend Chris and finding out if his dad who lives about 16 miles back might be able to help me out, but decided instead to checkout the HOG roadside assistance which didn’t help either.
Took me about four calls to them because my phone kept losing service, remember in the middle of no where and when I have to answer 101 questions before letting them know to just send gas to mile marker 146, doesn’t help matters. Well, finally my last call they said, and you’ll never guess…’you’re in the middle of no where’ that there isn’t a shop they can send gas from, but can send a police dispatch to help that if I know of anyone in the area that can help me out quicker, that’d be my best bet, that did just that, called Chris and he can have a friend there in 45 minutes with gas. Great, now I’m getting somewhere and probably should’ve been my first call, but in the middle of the afternoon, others are working while I’m still playing that didn’t think I’d get an answer. You can see a picture of the bike 2 hours after running out of gas…yep, in the middle of no where that I really wish I would’ve taken that gas can Joe offered, but than again figured not on the Alaskan highway that I’ll always be able to find gas. Ok, so before the highway patrol comes along or Chris’ friend can get there, a couple of guys on bikes stop and today might not be so bad after all because one of the guys just happens to have a gas can, Bob that ok, so I won’t say anything about having to mechanic a Honda with Harley parts, cuz today it took Honda gas to get me on the road and like Bob said, with the kind of head wind we have today, not going far on a tank…now if I would’ve know that would’ve thought about gas earlier cuz didn’t even get 120 miles on this tank…ok, so now I’m down to just over 100 miles a tank which is really bad gas mileage, but I don’t think the quality of the Canadian or even Alaskan gas is that great that the bike isn’t running as well as it has…hey, this baby needs premium and I haven’t had any for almost a month now.
Back on the road, after calling Chris to tell his friend, ‘thanks, but no thank’s’ and hit my first gas station only to find the lowest grade of unleaded you can get, but hey, I need gas and now that I’ve lost the convoy of John and Bob need it anyway that should be able to make the 94 miles or so to Fargo for some quality gas. Now I’m on my way that should still be able to make home in daylight that hit it hard, even with a head wind and boy how nice it is to have cruise control thru the flatlands of North Dakota, not much to see that had plenty of other on my mind and yep, some was getting gas before getting too far away from Fargo. Well, crossed the Minnesota border and noticed one of the last exits before going 40 some miles to the next stop has gas food, lodging and camping that I’m gonna take it and you know when you don’t know which way to go, go right that did just that looking for gas since there wasn’t a station right there by the exit. Well, once I figured out there wasn’t gas anywhere in site and have to head back a couple of exits did just that, but again, something must be trying to keep me from getting home because a mile from the gas exit…outta gas again that thanks to Andy for stopping and helping me out – no 2 hour wait this time, but then again even if I would’ve hiked it, it was only a mile to go, but still time wasted. Ok, now I’m not happy with the gas mileage and having to worry about gas every hundred miles, but than again, that’s almost what HD stands for…well, almost that instead of a Hundred Dollars, in my case it’s a Hundred Miles and that’s all you get.
Finally after a long day of more sitting and waiting than riding, entering another big city late at night and tonight it’s fortunate that it’s one that I know cuz I know I’ll be able to get fed and a lot of other activities going on late that just want to get the bike home for it’s ‘made it home’ picture and down to my favorite bar that did just that. Ok, about 2 ½ hours later than planned, but still home and thanks to Cliff, Sherry and Jesse for taking such good care of the place and the note greeting me home, that I’m happy to be home. Got unpacked and called my buddy Jim to find out that him Mark and Eric are going to be at Old Chicago for a coming home party for me, that ok, works for me...ok, wasn’t a coming home party, but to celebrate Eric’s bday and since mine is coming up, might as well party it up that you can see where I ended, my favorite hometown bar, Old Chicago with Lori, Jamie and Libbi taking good care of me. Ok, like I said earlier, in town just long enough to wash the bike and pack that we’ll see what else tomorrow has to offer…ok? Border and boring ND and MN Pictures.
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