Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Upland, California

Upland California and made it to my Cousin Mike’s place, him and the rest of the family, Joseph, Jenna and Donna are gonna put up with me for a night. Made it in time for dinner at the local diner that had a steak special…didn’t know how to do my Pittsburgh, so it was Brandon style – yea, the name of the place, Brandon’s Diner. Mike has a very nice place that is almost paid for and he’s already talking retirement in the next couple of years, the other thing I didn’t even know was that he served time in Iraq, so maybe that gives you an idea of how long it’s been since we’ve talked - was great visiting with him and the family for a night, and thanks for putting me up.

From Escondido and their mouse cars to more mountain and desert riding which reminds me - what an adrenaline rush riding around California, not only do I have to worry about 4 to 6 lanes of freeway traffic to deal with, but many of the bikes just go between traffic so gotta watch out for them too, good thing I’m not an aggressive biker…right.

Ok, since headed east, figured had to see Palm Springs, you know, the home of Bob Hope. More great mountain riding on the way with the curvy twisty roads and it being a Monday, had it all to myself so could hit it hard. Once there my stomach was telling me to feed it so came upon a little biker place, Kickstand and check it out, how many Indian’s you think it took for those bar mountings…Indian motorcycles that is?. Had a great ‘slider’ lunch and thanks to Lori for taking such good care of me and Mary and Elaine for suggestions on where to ride…can you tell the sisters? Oh and the other thing, remember how the south was ‘hon’ or ‘honey’, well today I was a ‘sweetheart’ – aw! Well the ride took me to Joshua Tree National Park which cost me $5 to ride thru more desert…I think I’m done riding desert for awhile, nothing but hot and not much to look at but a bunch of rocks, but hey, Upland is also considered desert, but hey if this is desert, this is the only one that is my kind of desert. Hey checkout the fans they have in the desert to cool it off, thousands of them and yep, it is to cool it off, electricity for the air conditioners, get it?

So the last few days haven’t been filled with exciting adventures, that is except for the damn camera and today, a busted helmet – no, didn’t hit anything with it, but the strap broke. Great, just what I need to do, buy a helmet for the few, 17 states that require one. I think when this is all said and done I’m gonna push for a law in those helmet states to make us non-helmet state riders exempt, that could be pretty tough to do though since the story of Rothlissburger crashing without a helmet and all the helmet advocates pointing at that as a reason for them…well, maybe if he just stuck to football. California is a big state so still much to see, maybe the Sunset strip and Hollywood tomorrow. Here are the pics.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your trip does sound wonerful

6/13/2006 2:49 PM  

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